Divyansh Manocha

Electronic and Information (MEng) Engineering

Imperial College London

divyanshmanocha [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Live Sheet Music reader on an FPGA

Built on Verilog and High Level Synthesis language Catapult C


This was a first year project at Imperial College London in a team of three: Parallel Image Processing using FPGA’s. Responsible for the reading and alignment of the live video feedback; added the ability for a user to control tempo

Project Specification

The task assigned was to implement parallel image processing using a FPGA. Considering the duration and resources provided for the project, it has been decided that a music playback system which processes musical notation will be implemented.

Basic image processing techniques were first implemented, including:


Details from the image processing exercises as well as further concepts, such as line detection using the Hough transform (Hamarneh, Althoff and Abu-Gharbieh, 1999), will be used to achieve this task.

A flowchart describing the function of the system In order to complete the task in the given time the system shall use its own musical notation so a simpler algorithm can interpret each note. The initial approach to interpret modern music notation presented a challenge that could not have been overcome within the time constaints imposed. Instead, the pitch, duration and order will be determined from a custom grid notation.

Project Outcomes

Successfully implemented a live sheet music reader using Catapul C.

Supported Features