Electronic and Information (MEng) Engineering
Imperial College London
divyanshmanocha [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Telephones are increasingly being used in noisy environments such as cars, airports and undergraduate laboratories! The aim of this project is to implement a real-time system that will reduce the background noise in a speech signal while leaving the signal itself intact: this process is called speech enhancement.
The objectives of this project are to implement common spectral subtraction techniques and then to improve it to obtain the best possible performance on the test files provided.
Example signals
Many different algorithms have been proposed for speech enhancement: the one that we will use is known as spectral subtraction. This technique operates in the frequency domain and makes the assumption that the spectrum of the input signal can be expressed as the sum of the speech spectrum and the noise spectrum.
The procedure is illustrated in the diagram below and contains two tricky parts:
GitHub link: https://github.com/divyanshmanocha/Mips_CPU